Examples of our work

Here you can see some examples of our work.

Hybrid events and live streams

For the Balkantage in Munich, we did a complex production of 2 parallel live streams to Youtube with simultaneous language intepretation to two sign languages and auto-generated captions. The audience at the venues could also see two sign language interpreters on a separate screen. Auto-generated captions were also provided. We also brought in remote speakers over Zoom.

Recording of the hybrid conference (2022.)

We successfuly 📡📺 produced the hybrid conference "Ambitious future for women after pandemic" from the House of Europe, organized by the Office of the EU parliament in Croatia. We solved many technical challenges such as distributing language channels, managing the visuals and multimedia for the projector and directing the live stream with multiple cameras.

A clip from a live streamed concert by Killed A Fox from Vintage Industrial Bar in Zagreb. All the camera shots were called live and there was no editing in post.

During the lockdown we streamed a concert by Killed A Fox, where we gained experience in calling the shots for a rock concert.

Live stream of the Trio Evocacion concert at the Croatian Music Institute in Zagreb (2021.)

Three brilliant young guitar players turned to us for technical support, so we live streamed their concert from the Croatian Music Institute, just before the building was closed for renovation. Instead of inserting visual, we opted for a more classic approach of having a commentator announce each composition.

Students' concert live stream, Zlatko Grgošević music school, Sesvete (May 2021.)

Prenosili smo niz koncerata učenika i učenica Glazbene škole Zlatka Grgoševića u Sesvetama, te im se zahvaljujemo na ukazanom povjerenju. Stream su pratile specijalno dizajnirane grafike čiji dizajn potpisuje dizajnerica Ana Svalina.

Snimanje i montaža

Čelistica Romana Šimbera u Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu, Zagreb (2020.)

U svrhu prikupljanja donacija za potresom oštećenu zgradu Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda, čelistica Romana Šimbera odlučila je snimiti video na prašnjavoj i oštećenoj pozornici te time podići svijest građana o važnosti HGZ-a za kulturu grada.

Eva Šulić i Zagrebačka filhamornija u KD Vatroslav Lisinski, Zagreb (2016.)

Sada već davne 2016. godine imali smo jedan od prvih angažmana vezanih za Zagrebačku filharmoniju, te smo pokretima kamere uspješno pratili dinamiku glazbenog djela i upada pojedinih dionica orkestra.

Marija Salečić i Zagrebačka filharmonija u KD Vatroslav Lisinski, Zagreb, travanj 2024.

Tao-Chen Hsiao i Zagrebačka filharmonija u KD Vatroslav Lisinski, travanj 2024.

Oktos ansambl u Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu, Zagreb (veljača 2020.)

Za prvi koncert Ansambla Oktos u Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu složili smo vrlo efektnu rasvjetu i isprogramirali promjene sheme boja u skladu s karakterom svake skladbe. Tijekom snimanja i montaže pazili smo da pratimo upade pojedinih instrumenata, kao i na to da cjelokupna dinamika videa bude u skladu s glazbenom dinamikom.

Darko Žuk u muzeju Mimara (2014.)

Davne 2014. za potrebe koncerta Darka Žuka u muzeju Mimara htjeli smo da snimka lebdi i teče baš poput djela Wagnera i Liszta, pa smo koristili kran i slider. Ovo je ujedno jedna od naših prvih koncertnih snimki. Rezultat možete pogledati u videu gore.